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     BHP Explosion 1940 info
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     August 03 2011 07:08 AM (Read 6783 times)  
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    Making enquiries re an explosion sometime in the mid to late forties. I can vaguely recall my step-father being burnt and hospitalised with severe burns to the then Royal Newcastle Hospital.

    I am sure that my mother told me that it happened at the BHP.

    His name was Arthur Steven WHITE - known as Jack.

    I also recall being picked up from primary school and being taken to visit him.

    Any information regarding this would be very helpful as his youngest daughter was only a baby at the time and would be very appreciative if anyone has any knowledge of this happening.

    Thanking you.


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     August 04 2011 10:59 AM  
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    Hi Aub

    Newcastle Herald index is available online and I did a quick search and found “Four men injured in boiler explosion” 17/2/1940 page 12. There are other accident references for different years. The person wanting the information would need to go to Newcastle Library Local History Section and look up the reference in the microfilm copies of the Herald – he could also do more research in the index (there used to be hard copies, don’t know if still available) I was involved in the project to index the Herald many years ago and know that events at BHP which were reported in the Herald were indexed. The library staff would probably assist.


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